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发表于 2013-12-27 00:18:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1. 中国大妈 Chinese dama
They rushing to buy gold as global prices plunged in the first half of the year. The words extended to cover the group in China who are hungry to invest but lack the professional knowledge and skills.

2. 高端大气上档次 Gaodashang
"Gaodashang," an acronym for "gaoduan (high end), daqi (classy), shangdangci (high grade),"  which is used to describe something high-end and groovy.

3. 爸爸去哪儿?Papa, where are we going?
A reality show "Papa, where are we going?" was featuring celebrity fathers and their kids produced by Hunan Satellite TV has garnered high ratings since it was launched.

4. 小伙伴们都惊呆了 My little friends and I are stunned.
"My little friends and I are stunned" came from a pupil's writing and went viral. It is used to express astonishment and sarcasm.

5. 待我长发及腰少年娶我可好 -----出处《十里红妆女儿梦》
When my hair is long enough to touch my waist, would you marry me, young man?

"When my hair is long enough to touch my waist," which originated from a romantic novel "Shililhongzhuang" (The Red Dowry). The line, "When my hair is long enough to touch my waist, would you marry me, young man?" originally conveyed love, but was spoofed by netizens.

6. 喜大普奔 xipudaben
Everyone is celebrating and spreading it all over the world.

7. 女汉子 Tough girl或manly woman
Tough girl," or "manly woman," referring to women who are too independent and behave like a man.


8. 土豪 Tuhao
"Tuhao"  loosely meaning "nouveau riche." To say someone is tuhao is to imply they come from a poor peasant background and have become rich quick, but don't quite have the manners or sophistication to match.

9、摊上大事儿 You have run into trouble

10、涨姿势 Obtain the knowledge of something new
"Zhangzishi," meaning to obtain the knowledge of something new.

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