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Ponder Life in The Suffering and Happiness of Life

发表于 2016-9-27 10:26:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The picture book of Ven. Master Xuecheng's collections of dharma talks on life,The Suffering and Happiness of Life,will be soon published by China International Culture Press. As for the dharma talk, every paragraph is illustrated so that the readers can more easily understand and comprehend the dharma meaning. Hope they can apply what they've read to their working and living, and perceive the truth of life.

精彩书摘  | Selections from the Book

苦与乐 Suffering and Happiness
我们内心里的痛苦怎么来的?它也是过去业因的等流,就是过去恶业之因的这种因等流下来,所以这个时候触到外缘就产生痛苦;过去的善因,遇到好的外缘产生快乐。你产生快乐的时候又会去利人,同时又种下善因。你痛苦的时候是因为过去恶业的等流,那么你去害人损人的时候,又种下了恶因, 又形成了恶业。快乐跟痛苦的产生,结果就是因果,不会是无缘无故的。
How does our inner suffering come? If one created bad karma in the past, one still carries the habitual energy of its cause. Then when it encounters external conditions, one feels pain. If it is the positive cause that meets good outer conditions, happiness comes. You do good to others when you are happy, which in turn plants a good seed. You suffer because of the habitual energy of past bad karma, and when you harm others in suffering, bad seed and bad karma again are created. Happiness and suffering are effects, not without causes.

In daily life, anywhere, anytime, people always wish things would meet their expectations. Anything not in line with their ideas, becomes wrong or problematic in their eyes. But this is not right, because our thinking is very narrow, fragmented, and unsystematic, and it could even be our blind spot. As we hold some aspect right, we tend to hold fast, gripping our opinion so firm that we can’t let go of it.

Nothing is worth finding fault with in the real world. Because in reality, everything is conditioned. Things are phenomena that come into existence and then extinction. All things are impermanent. Everything changes. What is today, will be different tomorrow, and continue to change in the day after tomorrow. It is impossible for the external world not to change. To face the complicated external situations, we will have to have a mind which is more inclusive, broad, tender, pure, untiring, and knowing no laziness.

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