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Cuba ready to cooperate with U.S. against Ebola: former president

发表于 2014-10-19 09:08:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
HAVANA, Oct. 18 (Xinhua) -- Cuban health staff fighting the Ebola epidemic in West Africa will cooperate "with pleasure" with the U.S. personnel there, said former Cuban President Fidel Castro Saturday

"We will cooperate with pleasure with the U.S. staff in that task (fighting against Ebola), and not only in search of peace between the two states, adversaries for many years, but for the peace of the world, a must-be and possible target," wrote Castro in his article "The time of duty," published by the official daily "Granma."

Cuba has sent a medical brigade comprising 62 doctors and 103 male nurses to Sierra Leone, and plans to dispatch another 296 health staff to Liberia and Guinea next week.

Earlier on Friday, U.S. State Secretary John Kerry praised Cuba's efforts in the combat against Ebola. The compliment has been widely reported by the island's media.

On Monday, the capital city of Havana will host a summit gathering leaders from member countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the People of Our Americas (ALBA) to discuss measures for preventing the Ebola epidemic from spreading.

"With this summit, we the Caribbean and Latin Americans will be sending a message of support and hope to the rest of the world," Castro wrote in his article.
发表于 2014-10-19 21:15:06 | 显示全部楼层

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