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发表于 2016-10-18 09:29:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 阿邱 于 2016-10-18 09:30 编辑

标题:Prenatal Factors May Raise Child's Risk for OCD
副标题: Smoking and C-sections (剖腹产术) appear to  boost the odds for the psychiatric disorder (精神疾病), study suggests. 研究表明,抽烟和剖腹产术可能会增加孩子患精神疾病的几率。

THURSDAY, Oct. 6, 2016 (HealthDay News) -- Pregnancy behaviors and certain childbirth complications may influence a child's risk of developing obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), a new study suggests.一项最新的研究表明,妊娠行为和某些分娩并发症可能会影响孩子患强迫症的风险。

Cesarean sections (剖腹产术), preterm and breech (backward) births (早产和臀位分娩), smoking while pregnant, and unusually large or small babies were all associated with increased risk for the mental health disorder, Swedish researchers reported.

"The specific causes of OCD are unknown," said lead researcher Gustaf Brander, from the Center for Psychiatry Research at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.
"While both genetic and environmental risk factors are thought to be associated with OCD, this is the first time that a set of environmental risk factors is convincingly associated with the condition," Brander said.
People with OCD have uncontrollable recurring thoughts they try to deal with by repeating certain behaviors over and over, according to the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH,美国国家心理卫生研究所). For example, someone with a heightened fear of burglars might continually recheck the door locks. About 1 percent of adult Americans have the condition, which can interfere with daily life, the NIMH says.
While the new findings show an association between certain perinatal factors and an increased risk for OCD, Brander said they don't prove they actually cause the disorder.
But, "together with other ongoing gene discovery efforts, the results pave the way for a deeper understanding of the causes of OCD," he said.
Previous studies have linked pregnancy and birth complications to other psychiatric ills, includingschizophrenia (精神分裂症), autism (自闭症) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (注意力缺乏多动症). And variations in fetal growth have been linked with brain development through adolescence, the researchers said in background notes.
For the study, Brander and colleagues collected data on 2.4 million children born in Sweden between 1973 and 1996 and followed them through 2013. More than 17,000 of them developed OCD, and their average age at diagnosis was 23.
Besides smoking, method of delivery (分娩) and birthweight, Brander's team found that a lowApgar score (阿普加评分) -- an assessment of overall infant health in the minutes after birth -- also indicated a greater risk of OCD.
And, the more of these individual elements an infant experiences, the greater the odds of developing OCD. One risk factor upped the likelihood by 11 percent; five or more raised it to 51 percent, the researchers found.
The study findings held after accounting for other family conditions, such as socioeconomic status or parental mental illness, the researchers said. 研究人员表示,该研究将与其他家庭的条件,如社会经济地位或父母的精神疾病等结合调查。
 楼主| 发表于 2016-10-18 09:31:13 | 显示全部楼层
The report was published online Oct. 5 in the journal JAMA Psychiatry (美国医学会杂志·精神病学).
Nearly 50 percent of those in the study who developed OCD had one of the risk factors at birth, noted Dr. James Leckman, a professor of child psychiatry (精神病学) at Yale University's Child Study Center in New Haven, Conn.
"There is a fairly strong indication that for some individuals with OCD there is risk that gets startedvery early in development, even during the prenatal period," said Leckman, co-author of an accompanying journal editorial.
He believes a genetic risk for OCD coupled with environmental factors may trigger the condition.
"Some of these are not ones that you can prevent, but others, like smoking, can be [prevented]," said Leckman. “其中一些因素是无法避免的,但也有一些因素,比如吸烟,是可以阻止的,”Leckman指出。
SOURCES: Gustaf Brander, M.Sc., Center for Psychiatry Research, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden; James Leckman, M.D., Ph.D.; professor, child psychiatry, Child Study Center, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.; Oct. 5, 2016, JAMA Psychiatry, online

  • Caesarean section: A caesarean section (cesarean section AE), or C-section, is a form of childbirth in which a surgical incision is made through a mother's abdomen (laparotomy,剖腹术) and uterus (hysterotomy,子宫切开术) to deliver one or more babies. It is usually performed when a vaginal delivery would lead to medical complications. 剖腹产术
    From the traditional belief that Julius Caesar (or his eponymous ancestor) was born by this operation

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder of the neurodevelopmental type. It is characterized by problems paying attention, excessive activity, or difficulty controlling behavior which is not appropriate for a person's age. 注意力缺乏多动症,俗称多动症


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