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[其他] 手外科常用器械发明者的故事(二)——绷带剪

发表于 2013-1-2 01:13:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 hongqilafu 于 2013-1-2 01:15 编辑

   与前面讲到的好斗敏捷的Liston不同,Joseph Lister,1827–1912(图1),具有谨慎害羞的性格。Lister发明了可吸收肠线与以他名字命名的绷带剪(图2)

      Joseph Lister.jpg 图1    4eefeed40fe9a_300x375.jpg 图2     

呵呵,真理总是掌握在少数人手里!)他坚信PasteurLouis Pasteur,1822-1895,图3,与Lister处于同一个伟大的时代,Pasteur在肉汤了里发现的细菌证实了Lister的假说。还记得巴氏牛奶吗?)和Koch 名词解释:Koch现象,呵呵,上学的时候应该被考到过。Robert Koch,图4,1843-1910,他发现了炭疽和结核,并发明了有效地分离细菌的方法。他也属于哪个大发现的时代!)的疾病微生物学说,并且得到了作为显微镜学家的父亲
   180px-Louis_Pasteur,_foto_av_Félix_Nadar.jpg 图3       Robert-Koch-9367370-1-402.jpg 图4              
    11e66e8bfd8g214.jpg 图5  
的成功并不被他的英国同行所接受,他的操作被其上级医师强烈抵制(看来这种事那里都有)。伦敦的医学生甚至发现,如果他们赞成Lister的石碳酸消毒法,那么他们的考试将不会通过(看来英国有时候也不自由,也不民主啊!可怜的娃!仿佛闻到了一丝布鲁诺的味道!)。不过,Lister的方法在英国之外得到了认可,但是只是作为一种经验,并没有得到推广(欧洲一直没统一,也有好处,就是各种思想拥有发芽生根的土壤,我们国家大一统形成的太早了,人得思维也被统一固化了)。在几年之后,Lister的发现最终被人们所认识和接纳,从此,严格的消毒制度在全世界逐渐建立起来。(是金子总会发光的,不过其中经历了什么事情,文中没有提及,希望有兴趣的朋友进行补充)。在威斯敏斯特大教堂(图6)还记得戴安娜王妃的葬礼吗?还记得威廉和凯特的婚礼吗?估计查尔斯王子的登基也会是在这里,如果他能等到这一天的话)的墓地(外国人红白事都搞到一个地方了,我理解这教堂后的墓地就相当于我们国家的八宝山了,丘吉尔,狄更斯都埋在这,放到法国叫先贤祠,在美国叫阿灵顿国家公墓,在俄罗斯应该是在红场)里只有三个医生,Lister就是其中一位,另外两位是John Hunter (1728-1793)和 Thomas Willis (1621-1675)(Lister是最年轻的一个!)。
    教堂.jpg 图6  

ListerWhereas Liston was confrontational and quick, Jo-seph Lister (1827–1912) was methodical and shy.4 His innovations spoke for themselves. Lister introduced absorbable catgut sutures and the bandage scissors that bear his name5(Fig. 1). Lister also held a unique opinion of the fact that simple fractures healed while compound ones festered and led to death.4
Unlike his contemporaries, he believed that suppuration was the work of invisible and ubiquitous microorganisms. Lister based his conviction on Pasteur’s and Koch’s germ theory of disease and was undoubtedly encouraged by his father’s work as a microscopist.5
Using carboxylic acid, Lister performed the first successful antiseptic treatment of an open tibia fracture on an 11-year-old girl in 1866. A year later hewrote, “Since the antiseptic treatment . . . wounds and abscesses no longer poison the atmosphere . . . my wards, though in other respects under precisely thesame conditions as before, have completely changed their character, so that during the last nine months not a single case of pyaemia, hospital gangrene or erysipelas has occurred in them.”5Lister’s success actually marginalized him among his British colleagues. His practices were stronglyopposed by senior physicians, and London medical students found that if they subscribed to Lister’s antiseptic practices, which became known as Listerism, they failed their exams. Lister received early recognition outside of Britain, however, as empirical proof mounted; and after years of patience, the doctor finally received the recognition he deserved. Baron Lord Lister rests in Westminster Abby in the company of only 2 other physicians, John Hunter and Thomas Willis.4
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