www 发表于 2021-3-28 22:12:54

[IMC Webinar - 108]Microsurgical Digit Reconstruction using Small Free Flap

This SATURDAY (March 27, 2021) we are happy to have Dr. Dung Chul Lee (Korea) talk about "Microsurgical Digit Reconstruction using Small Free Flap", Dr. Luigi Troisi (Italy) will moderate the talk.

Meeting link: file:///C:\Users\wzf\AppData\Roaming\Tencent\TIM\Temp\%W@GJ$ACOF(TYDYECOKVDYB.pnghttps://internationalmicrosurgeryclub.webex.com/internationalmicrosurgeryclub/j.php?MTID=m9efd9e5f696a3027ce1c3c9daf2da4ad

Meeting number: 156 157 9886

Password: welovedongchul

Dr. Dong Chul Lee is the attending physician of the plastic and reconstructive department of GwangMyeong Sung Ae general hospital specialized in Microsurgery and Hand Surgery. He graduated the Chung Ang medical school in 1992, following a plastic surgery residency at Sungae general hospital and joining the hand surgery group of Gwangmyeong Sungae general hospital between 1993 and 1997. Dr. Lee did the clinical fellowship at Kleinert clinic in Louisville KY, the U.S.A between 2004 and 2005. Dr. Lee won the best case award in 2017 WSRM (Seoul, Korea) and 2019 ASRM (Palm Desert CA, U.S.A.).
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