www 发表于 2021-3-13 12:28:04

[IMC网络研讨会- 105] 乳房显微再造时,我们应该在何时做折...

This SUNDAY (March 14, 2021) we are happy to have Dr. Hyunho Han (Korea) talk about "When We Need To Do Stacked Flaps in Microsurgical Breast Reconstruction? (Stacked DIEP and PAP", Dr. Tomoyuki Yano (Japan) will moderate the talk.

Meeting link:
Meeting number: 184 699 1087
Password: welovehyunho

Dr. Hyunho Han M.D. is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Asan Medical Center in Seoul, South Korea. He did the plastic surgery residency at ‘Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital’ between 2009-2012, followed by the fellowship at the same hospital between 2013-2015. He is the assistant professor at Asan Medical Center since 2017 and is now mainly focused on breast reconstruction and eyelid surgery. He is serving as an executive secretary in the Korean Society for Breast Surgery.He is the author of 98 papers and two book chapters with 484 citations.

这周日,我们很荣幸的邀请到来自韩国的Hyunhu Han博士来讨论“乳房显微再造时,我们应该在何时做折叠腹股沟和股深动脉穿支皮瓣”,来自日本的Tomoyuki Yano医生将主持这场讨论会


会议号: 184 699 1087
密码: welovehyunho

for Breast Surgery.He is the author of 98 papers and two book chapters with 484 citations.Hyunho Han M.D.医生是一名来自韩国首尔峨山医院的整形与修复重建外科医生,他在2009至2012年间在首尔圣玛丽医院进行了整形外科方面的规培,在2013到2015年间他在同一所医院进行了进修。2017年至今,他都是首尔峨山医院的助理教授,现如今他主要研究的是乳房重建和眼皮整形手术。Hyunho Han M.D.医生在韩国乳腺外科学会担任执行秘书的职务。他同时还是98篇文章,两本有484篇引文的书籍的作者
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