阿邱 发表于 2019-4-15 20:38:27

“烈士” 用英文怎么说?

4月3日上午,第六批在韩中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸由我空军专机护送从韩国接回辽宁沈阳,10位志愿军烈士英灵回到祖国和人民怀抱。Escorted by two Chinese fighter jets, a PLA Air Force plane carrying the remains and 145 belongings of the fallen soldiers landed at the Shenyang Taoxian International Airport, Liaoning province, at around 11:36 am Wednesday.
在两架战斗机全程护航下,4月3日11时36分许,解放军空军一架专机降落在辽宁沈阳桃仙国际机场,机上载有烈士遗骸和145件相关遗物。http://www.hxen.com/d/file/p/2019/04/438fd3b298ad8c558345d1f8999624f1.jpgThe remains will be buried in a martyrs' park in Shenyang in a ceremony on Thursday, according to the Ministry of Veterans Affairs.
退役军人事务部表示,烈士遗骸将安葬在沈阳抗美援朝烈士陵园,安葬仪式于4日举行。当地时间3日上午,中韩双方在韩国仁川国际机场(Incheon International Airport)举行交接仪式。During the transfer ceremony, South Korean troops handed over the coffins, covered by China's national flag, to Chinese guards of honor who carried them into a PLA Air Force plane.
交接仪式上,韩国军人将覆盖中国国旗的志愿军烈士棺椁移交给中国人民解放军礼兵,随后烈士棺椁登上解放军空军飞机。此次是按照中韩双方共识实施的第六次交接,韩方向中方送还的10具烈士遗骸及相关遗物是在包括铁原、涟川、华川、非军事区等在内7个地点发掘的。退役军人事务部副部长钱锋在现场发表讲话时表示,中方将进一步加强与韩方务实友好合作(practical and friendly cooperation),积极推进在韩中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸联合搜寻、鉴定(joint search and identification)等工作,让更多志愿军烈士英魂早日回到祖国。The South Korean defense ministry said in a statement that the transfer ceremony was a part of efforts to heal the scar of the war and conveyed the message of peace to enhance regional peace and stability.
韩国国防部表示,交接仪式是为治愈战争伤疤、传递和平信号做出的努力,旨在促进区域和平与稳定。今后韩朝计划联合在铁原箭头高地一带展开遗骸挖掘工作,相信会有更多志愿军烈士遗骸能回归故土。69年前,中国人民志愿军(Chinese People's Volunteers)跨过鸭绿江,奔赴战火弥天的前线,踏上抗美援朝、保家卫国的战场。The Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) fought alongside the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) army in the Korean War against the South Korean army and the United States-led UN forces between 1950 and 1953.
1950年至1953年,中国人民志愿军支援朝鲜战争,同朝鲜人民军一道对抗韩国国军和以美国为首的“联合国军”。在那场战争中,有197653名志愿军战士在战场牺牲,魂断异国、埋骨他乡。1月23日,退役军人事务部(China's Ministry of Veterans Affairs)副部长钱锋会见了来访的韩国国防部国际政策局局长李元翼一行。双方一致同意,中韩双方遵循人道主义原则(humanitarian spirit),本着友好协商、务实合作的精神(based on friendly exchanges and practical cooperation),从2014年至2018年已连续5年成功交接589位在韩中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸,今年将按照中韩双方达成的共识实施第六次交接。今后在韩发掘出的中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸,韩国将继续移交给中国(any additional remains that are discovered will be returned to China)。这一次志愿军烈士遗骸交接也是退役军人事务部去年4月成立之后进行的首次交接。
【相关词汇】中国人民志愿军 Chinese People's Volunteers烈士 martyr /'mɑrtɚ/朝鲜半岛 Korean Peninsula和谈 peace talk朝鲜半岛形势 the situation of the Korean Peninsula联合军演 joint drill/exercise半岛无核化 denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula半岛和平机制 a peace mechanism on the Korean Peninsula
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