阿邱 发表于 2017-11-2 17:02:37


欧洲一个媒体最近做了一项有趣的调查,评选出了年轻人心中的新“十诫”和新“七宗罪”。新“十诫”:1 Have faith in yourself. (相信自己。)2Respect your parents. (尊敬父母。)3 Be honest. (要诚实。)4. Take responsibility for your own life. (对自己负责。)5 Live life to be full and bepassionate. (要活得充实,活得有激情。)6 Keep your promises. (信守承诺。)7 Work hard to succeed but not to the detriment of others. (在不损害他人利益的前提下为成功艰苦奋斗。)8 Betolerantof others' differences. (海纳百川,有容乃大。)9 Be happy and optimistic, even in adversity. (逆境中更要乐观向上。)10 Create, don't destroy. (要创造,不要搞破坏。)新“七宗罪” :http://img2.cache.netease.com/edu/2014/3/28/201403281009206f22c.jpg
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