阿邱 发表于 2016-9-14 14:50:06


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关于行动力行胜于言Actions speak louder than words.原文:很多人都关心,中国经济能否实现持续稳定增长?中国能否把改革开放推进下去?中国能否避免陷入“中等收入陷阱”?Many people wonder whether China can maintain sustainable and steady growth, whether China will continue its reform and openning-up and avoid falling into the "middle-income trap".行胜于言。中国用实际行动对这些问题作出了回答。今年年初,中国出台了国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划纲要,围绕全面建成小康社会奋斗目标,针对发展不平衡、不协调、不可持续等突出问题,强调要牢固树立和坚决贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念。Actions speak louder than words.China has answered these questions with actions. Early this year, China drew up the outlines of the 13th five-year plan for social and economic development. These outlines call for implementing the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, addressing acute challenges in uneven, uncoordinated and unsustainable development, and ultimately achieving building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.——习近平在二十国集团工商峰会开幕式上的主旨演讲知行合一To honor commitment and take practical actions原文:知行合一,采取务实行动。我们应该让二十国集团成为行动队,而不是清谈馆。The G20 should fully honor its commitment and take practical actions. We should make the G20 an action team instead of a talk shop.——习近平在二十国集团领导人峰会上的开幕辞关于团结和衷共济、和合共生To seek harmony and coexistance原文:和衷共济、和合共生是中华民族的历史基因,也是东方文明的精髓。中国坚定不移走和平发展道路。国强必霸的逻辑不适用,穷兵黩武的道路走不通。To seek harmony and coexistance is in the genes of the Chinese nation throughout history, it represents the very essence of eastern civilization. China is committed to the path of peaceful development. The logic that a strong country is bound to seek hegemony no longer applies, and the willful use of force will lead to no where.——习近平在二十国集团工商峰会开幕式上的主旨演讲求同存异、聚同化异To seek common ground while shelving and narrowing differences原文:我们应该求同存异、聚同化异,共同构建合作共赢的新型国际关系。国家不论大小、强弱、贫富,都应该平等相待,既把自己发展好,也帮助其他国家发展好。大家都好,世界才能更美好。We need to seek common ground while shelving and narrowing differences to build a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation. All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, must treat each other as equals. We need to help each other achieve sound development as we work to ensure our own development. The world will be a better place only when everyone is better off.——习近平在二十国集团工商峰会开幕式上的主旨演讲同舟共济To stick together as partners原文:同舟共济,发扬伙伴精神。我们虽然国情不同、发展阶段不同、面临的现实挑战不同,但推动经济增长的愿望相同,应对危机挑战的利益相同,实现共同发展的憧憬相同。The G20 should stick together as partners while meeting challenges. The G20 countries differ in national conditions, stages of development and face different challenges, but we all share a common goal of pursuing economic growth, meeting challenges and achieving common development.——习近平在二十国集团领导人杭州峰会上的开幕辞

阿邱 发表于 2016-9-14 14:50:26



(a solution that )addresses both the symptoms and root causes of a problem



I hope the Hangzhou Summit will provide a solution that addresses both the symptoms and root causes of the global economic problems and propel the global economy onto a path of robust, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth.




The people are the foundation of a country and only when the people lead a good life can the country thrive.

出自中国最早的史书《尚书》。意思是,人民是国家的根本,只有以百姓福祉为根基, 才能上下一心而社稷久安。



We will promote equity and sharing of development outcomes to deliver more benefits to the people. The people are the foundation of a country, and only when the people lead a good life, can the country thrive. We need to be people-oriented. This is a principle that we should follow in everything we do in advancing economic and social development.




The governance of a country should be based on simple customs procedures, improved infrastructures, convenience for business transactions and preferential agricultural polices.




According to the teaching of Chinese classics, the governance of a country should be based on simple customs procedures, improved infrastructures, convenience for business transactions and preferential agricultural polices. What it implies is the importance of building an open world economy.




People with petty shrewdness attend to trivial matters while those with greater wisdom attend to governance of institutions.




As a Chinese saying goes, people with petty shrewdness attend to trivial matters while those with greater wisdom attend to governance of institutions. As the world economic situation changes, it is necessary that global economic governance remains relevant and adaptive to the changing times.




To make painful self-adjustments



China's reform has entered the deep-water zone where tough challenges must be met. We have the resolve to make painful self-adjustments and tackle problems that have built up over many years, in particular, underlying issues and entrenched interests, and we have resolve to carry reform through to the end.



“The tide riders surf the currents, the flags they hold up never get wet.”









The tidal bore is sweeping up the Qiantang River these few days.As a Chinese poem reads: “The tide riders surf the currents, the flags they hold up never get wet.” I, like all of you, look forward to a G20 that will ride the tides in the world economy. I believe that with us working together, the Hangzhou summit will certainly achieve success.


(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)
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