阿邱 发表于 2016-7-22 18:29:43


大概每个人的朋友圈里都有那么几个人,你发高兴的事情,他们点赞;你发闹心的事情,他们点赞;你遇上奇葩的人发句牢骚,他们还是会点赞。似乎,除了点赞,他们就不会别的了。http://language.chinadaily.com.cn/images/attachement/jpg/site1/20160720/64006a47a40418f9128803.jpgBlind liker refers to someone who "likes" all your posts on Weibo or WeChat Moments without even reading them.
“盲目点赞党”指在你所有的微博和朋友圈帖文点赞,却并未真正读过博文内容的人。Some of them are doing this to tell you that they really care about you, while others are just trying to get some attention.
有些人这么做是为了让你知道他们真的在关注你,而有些人则纯粹是在耍存在感。我们来看看下面这段对话:-You liked my post on the new X Men movie seconds after I posted it, did you watch the movie too?-Um, I don't know, what post are we talking about?-You blind liker! You didn't even read my post!!-You know I like anything you write...-我那篇关于最新一部《X战警》电影的帖子刚发出来几秒钟,你就点赞了,你也看那个电影了?-呃,我也不知道,你说的是哪个帖子啊?-原来你是盲目点赞!你压根儿就没看我写了什么!!-你知道不管你写啥我都会点赞的嘛......
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