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[学术会议] [IMC Webinar - 101] 发育性面瘫的手术疗法 -墨西哥的的Jose E. Te...

发表于 2021-2-28 10:03:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[IMC Webinar - 101]
This SUNDAY (Feb 28, 2021) we are happy to have Dr. Alexander Cardenas (Mexico) and Dr. Jose E. Telich (Mexico) talk about "Surgical Algorithm for Developmental Facial Palsy", Dr. Johnny Lu (Taiwan) will moderate the talk.

Meeting link:


Meeting number: 184 003 4899

Password: welovealex

Dr. Alexander Cardenas M.D. is the Director of the Facial nerve and peripheral nerve clinic at Hospital General Dr. Manuel Gea Gonzalez in Mexico City. He is specialized in peripheral nerve and facial nerve reconstruction. He started his carrier as a Plastic Surgeon in 2002 at Hospital General Dr. Manuel Gea Gonzalez in Mexico City under Prof. Fernando Ortiz Monasterio, and he did a Microsurgery Clinical fellowship at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in 2005, under Prof. Fu Chan Wei and Prof. David CC Chuang. He is well-known as a pioneer in the double innervation in facial reanimation and because of his huge experience and publications related to Möbius syndrome, he has the Möbius syndrome biggest cohort in a single center in the world. He is the current President of ALAM (Latinamerican Association of Microsurgery) in 2019-2020. Also, he is the virtual Visiting Professor of Buncke Clinic in 2020, Chair of the Beyond Frontiers Microsurgery Symposium I and II (America and Europe), Co-chair Master Series for residents 2020 and 2021, the author and co-author of 83 papers and 6 book chapters with 405 citations.

Dr. Jose E. Telich is a Plastic and reconstructive surgeon in private practice in Mexico City. He completes the Plastic Surgery training at Hospital General “Dr. Manuel Gea Gonzalez”, and the Peripheral nerve surgery fellowship at Hospital General “Dr. Manuel Gea Gonzalez” under Dr. Alexander Cardenas. He is a member of the continuous medical education committee on AMCPER and the“Synapse” editorial team from ASPN. He author of 24 papers and 4 book chapters with 40 citations.

这周日,我们将很荣幸的邀请到来自墨西哥的Alexander Cardenes医生和同样来自墨西哥的的Jose E. Telich医生来讨论一下发育性面瘫的手术疗法,来自台湾的Johnny Lu医生将会主持这场讨论会。



会议号: 184 003 4899

密码: welovealex

Alexander Cardenas医生,M.D. 是来自墨西哥城的Dr. Manuel Gea Gonzalez总医院的治疗面神经和周围神经病的专家,他对周围神经和面神经重建有着很深的造诣。2002年,他开始成为墨西哥城Dr. Manuel Gea Gonzalez总医院的一名整形外科医生,并在Fernando Ortiz Monasterio教授下工作与学习。在2005年,他在长庚医院的魏福全教授和CC Chuang教授那里进行了显微外科专业的进修,Alexander Cardenas M.D医生以面部的双重神经支配的神经在造的开创者的身份而闻名世界,并且因为他对处理梅比乌斯综合征的丰富经验,使得他拥有世界上最大的梅比乌斯综合征研究团队。他也是2019-2020年度的拉丁美洲显微外科协会主席,同时,他还是2020年buncke诊所的虚拟客座教授,是无国界显微外科研讨会一部和二部(美国和欧洲)分会的主席是2020和2021年一系列协会的联合主席,他还是83篇文章、6本书章节以及405篇引文的作者或联合作者。

Jose E. Telich医生是墨西哥城一家私人诊所的整形外科和重建外科的医生。他在“Dr. Manuel Gea Gonzalez”总医院完成了整形外科方面的训练,并且在“Dr. Manuel Gea Gonzalez”总医院中与Alexander Cardenas医生进行了周围神经外科方面的进修,他是墨西哥重建外科学会继续教育委员会的成员,同时,他还是美国周围神经协会“突触”团队的成员,是24篇文章、4本书章节、40篇引文的作者。

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